A = L + SE

Most people think accounting is complicated and boring. I love it because I identify with both of those things...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

God handles the small stuff

At the risk of sounding totally lame, I'm going to share this story anyway. :)

Last Thursday as I was getting myself ready to head off to class my furnace was making a really ugly noise. It was really loud and no matter how high I turned up the volume on the TV I couldn't ignore it. Since I've been out of touch with most people you couldn't possibly understand the state of mind this put me in. Over the last 5 months I've been dealing with problems with this particular appliance and it always comes at especially inconvenient times. Anyway, with last week being the start of a new semester and new obligations I really didn't want to deal with this again.

From the moment I heard that terrible noise up until my tax class started (about 2 1/2 hours) I just kept talking to God. I was saying stuff like, "God, you know I really can't deal with this over the holiday weekend" and "I know this seems trivial and stupid but I'm worried about my sanity" and "I have so much else going on God, please make it so I don't have to deal with this right now" and "I know you have the power to fix it so PLEEEAAASSEE...". I even called my cousin and asked her to pray about it. I know I know, it seems really dumb but it was really important to me at the time.

After class had started and my day began I tried really hard not to think about it. There was this continuous nagging that I would have to deal with it when I got home that night, but I was really trying to just trust that God would handle it. He may not decide to make it go away, but He WOULD give me the grace (some how) to deal with it.

Later that night when I got home the furnace was fine and it wasn't making that noise anymore. How cool is that? I know it's a prehistoric furnace and my troubles with it aren't over, but I really feel like God gave me the weekend. Skeptics would call it a coincidence, but I really think that God heard me and let me know that He does actually care about the little things. What's great for my faith is that if He cares about what seems barely significant....how much does He care about the larger things in my life??? That gave me something to chew on.


  • At 12:43 AM, Blogger Al said…

    Hrm. Cool that you have a blog now. I'll try and remember to leave comments as nobody else seems to be.

  • At 9:26 PM, Blogger April said…

    Thanks dude... you rock

  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger Me said…

    Me want post! Me want Post!

    Post Athax, post!


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