A = L + SE

Most people think accounting is complicated and boring. I love it because I identify with both of those things...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Back to School...

Ah...another semester of higher learning. Ain't it grand??

By the end of this term I'll have a limited understanding of how technology is the new wave in supply chain management (fancy for inventory control), be able to win lots of money playing dice (statistics), understand culture by interpreting inantimate objects, and best of all...be able to do all my friends tax returns. Can you sense my excitement?

I've decided that student bookstores are evil entities. Maybe that's cause I just forked over $650 for books and supplies. If only Barnes and Noble carried "West Federal Taxation".

Christmas (excuse me..WINTER) Break was WAY too short. I'm not ready for the stress again, that's for sure, but it is nice to see my accounting posse' again. ;)


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